I can hardly believe it, but today marks exactly one month from the day I left for the ACFW conference in Dallas. I went to my first writer's conference with very high hopes and a personal goal of having at least one publishing house request a full proposal of my current manuscript. I am happy to say, I met my goal!
One came from Jan Stob, the Senior Acquisitions Editor at Tyndale House Publishers. I was privileged to speak with Jan on a few occasions at the conference and we also had an appointment together. Though Tydale's schedule is full until 2014, she gave me her business card and requested that I send her a full proposal. What an amazing achievement!
Another request came from one of those 'ordained to meet in the hall' moments. My conference roommate, author Lacy Williams, had assisted Julie Gwinn during the spotlight for B&H Publishers. As the Fiction Manager for B&H, Julie shared during the spotlight that she is looking for WWI stories in a series. Lacy had been helping me prep my manuscript for coneference, so she knew that was exactly what I had to offer. It took a couple of days for me to catch up with her, but when Lacy introduced us and said I had a WWI story, Julie stopped in her tracks. The result was that she took my one sheet and my chapters, and I was given her business card in return. This request was actually the first I received and I was so excited that, when I saw Julie later, I had to ask just exactly what it was she wanted from me. She was very kind and explained she wanted me to send a full proposal!
Not just one, but TWO requests for a full proposal! The outcome is still in God's hands, just as this entire venture has been all along. Thank you, Lord, for the opportunity to go to conference and for hope regarding my future in writing.
Now I just need to finish the manuscript and send in my proposals. :-)
Postmaster Missy