Recently, things have changed in my home to the point that I feel like a single mom. I know it's just a season, but the effect it's having on my writing career is discouraging. After all, I have set several personal deadlines since I returned to writing a year ago and have been unable to keep even seventy-five percent of them.
My current goal is to have a finished manuscript by the end of this month. I'm only two chapters and an epilogue away, but when to fit it in! When I'm finished, it's my intention to enter the Genesis, a writing contest for unpublished authors offered by ACFW (American Christian Fiction Writers). The deadline is March 15, exactly one month from today. With God's help, I will accomplish these two goals.
What do you do when it seems like there isn't enough time in a day? After asking for God's direction, simply do the next thing and trust that your day has been ordered by the Lord.